Guys And Dolls

Guys and Dolls is a romantic comedy involving two parallel love stories. Gambler Sky Masterson bets Nathan Detroit that he can convince straight-laced Sarah Brown to go on a date with him. Meanwhile, Nathan’s fiancée, Miss Adelaide, is eager to get Nathan to finally settle down and marry her.

Production Team

  • Director – Joe McNulty
  • Musical Director – Rob Young
  • Cheorographers – Nicholette Pollard & Suzanne Marriott

Principal Characters

  • Sky Masterson – James Billington
  • Sarah Brown – Emma Williams
  • Nathan Detroit – Martin J Kingston
  • Miss Adelaide – Elaine Kingston
  • Nicely-Nicely Johnson – David Finlay
  • Benny Southstreet – Adrian Fox
  • Rusty Charlie – Tim Landy
  • Arvide Abernathy – Wally Cotgrave
  • Joey Biltmore – Adam Johns
  • Harry the Horse – Josiah Carrier
  • Big Jule – Stephen Tregale
  • Angie the Ox – Paul Luffman
  • Lieutenant Brannigan – Daryl Wood
  • General Cartwright – Heather Gould
  • Agatha – Sarah Berry
  • Mimi – Suzanne Marriott


Runyonland Folk, Crapshooters, Members of the Misson Band,
Hot Box Girls and Havana Inhabitants

  • Kathy Archer
  • Laura Billington
  • Tina Blaker
  • David Ellis
  • Joanna Gallichan
  • Kezia Greenhalgh
  • Cathie Henson
  • Bella Lewis
  • Bev Little
  • Stephen Mills
  • Shaun Patchett
  • Tony Reader
  • Samantha Taylor
  • Chris Berry
  • Emma Black
  • Penny Daw
  • Sarah Ford
  • Joe GreenHalgh
  • Louise Harper
  • Danielle Hurley
  • Frances Lewis
  • Kellyjean McGovern
  • Catherine Moore
  • Sarah Prentice
  • Nicola Rodie
  • Hannah Waterfield

We have opportunities for everyone whether it be part of our stage crew,production team, committee or treading the boards themselves. There are a multitude of ways in which you can be involved in our future productions.

Our main show in the spring offers the opportunity for our members to perform at the prestigious Exeter Northcott Theatre and we also organise social events such as theatre trips to other societies. Membership starts at £40 per year!

If you are interested in joining, why not follow us on Facebook or Instagram? Register your interest and stay up to date by emailing: We would love to hear from you and welcome you on board.

Find us on social media and don’t forget to tag us in any of your photos/videos using the hashtag #EMSForever.