
Footloose tells the story of Ren McCormack, a teenager who moves to a small town where dancing and rock music have been banned. Determined to challenge the town’s restrictive laws, Ren rallies his classmates and pushes for change, ultimately bringing the joy of dance back to the community.

Production Team

  • Director & Choreographer – Evelyn O’Malley 
  • Musical Director – Simon Carter
  • Assistant Cheorographer – Donna Bedwell


  • Ren McCormack – Sam Neal
  • Ethel McCormack – Laura Billington
  • Ariel Moore – Samantha Morris
  • Reverend Shaw Moore – Adrian Fox
  • Vi Moore – Pip Hill
  • Rusty – Kezia GreenHalgh
  • Wendy Jo – Amy Stephens
  • Urleen – Sarah Prentice
  • Chuck Cranston – Dan Partridge
  • Travis – Joe GreenHalgh
  • Lyle – Molly Hallet
  • Willard Hewitt – Tim Landy
  • Garvin – Nicholas Parish
  • Betty Blast – KellyJean McGovern-Threlfall
  • Roxie – Kathy Archer
  • Brooke – Hannah Waterfield
  • Ashley – Rebecca Green
  • Lulu Warnicker – Chloe Whittaker
  • Wes Warnicker – Daryl Wood
  • Coach Roger Dunbar – Richard Knox
  • Eleanor Dunbar – Catherine Moore
  • Principle Harry Clark – Paul Luffman
  • Cop – Tony Macan
  • Cowgirl Bobbi – Kellyjean McGovern-Threlfall
  • Cowgirl Bobbi’s Dancers – Kathy Archer – Jo Gallinghan – Rebecca Green – Hannah Waterfield


  • Gina Awad
  • Sally Axon
  • Rachel Burrows
  • Kerensa Hayes
  • Louise Harper
  • Bev Little
  • Samantha Taylor

We have opportunities for everyone whether it be part of our stage crew,production team, committee or treading the boards themselves. There are a multitude of ways in which you can be involved in our future productions.

Our main show in the spring offers the opportunity for our members to perform at the prestigious Exeter Northcott Theatre and we also organise social events such as theatre trips to other societies. Membership starts at £40 per year!

If you are interested in joining, why not follow us on Facebook or Instagram? Register your interest and stay up to date by emailing: We would love to hear from you and welcome you on board.

Find us on social media and don’t forget to tag us in any of your photos/videos using the hashtag #EMSForever.